Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The average person in Mozambique uses only 1.3 gallons of water a day. One toilet alone uses on average 1.6 gallons when flushing. The average American family uses about 300 million gallons of water A DAY! The lawns in the US consume around 270 Billion gallons a week of water. That's enough to water 81 million acres of organic vegetables for an entire summer. Instead of watering your lawn to keep it perfectly green, you could cut back a little and use the water to give back to your family by saving money. To tell when your water needs lawn, step on it and if it doesn't spring back up when you remove your foot, it does not need water. You can also buy a low flush toilet and low flow shower heads (these shower heads can save you around 750 gallons of water per month). Drinking filtered water instead of bottled water can also help. The final thing that can really help is using drip irrigation to apply water directly to the roots, and only when it is needs. in the long run this will help save millions of gallons of water so people aren't using their own sweat to bath in.

1 comment:

Nicole Michel said...

Wow! Great video. I liked how they used a man who looked sickly and poor to relay a message that we are all the same. The message just screams that if the poor are saving water why aren't we? It's a great idea to advertise that way. It's an attention grabber. As well the underlying meaning that no one is better than anyone else. Because if none of us save the planet all of us will die. At least we can find unity in that.